Social media & event management for sustainable electronics


>>> Volunteering opportunity by BuyAware

Do you use a smartphone, a laptop, a tablet...? If so (...and even if not), you've probably already heard about all sorts of problems that occur along the production chain of these devices: factories in which working conditions are all but inviting, mineral extraction that pollutes the environment, mining that fuels conflict - and the list goes on.

BuyAware is a start up committed to tackle these challenges. They have already developed a system to rate electronic devices, and now they are looking for social media and event management volunteers to spread the word.

Therefore: if social media or event organisation/hosting are your passion, get in touch. You might be the one who can help them and their rating system for sustainable electronics take off! If you are interested, e-mail (...and if you are not interested, you're still welcome to share the offer).

Facebook page.