Share & Grow nights taking over the German-speaking part of Switzerland!

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Winter is (almost) over, flowers and birds are announcing the warm days and with the arrival of summer, euforia also has some good news: we are back in Bern! From June on, our German-speaking Share & Grow evenings will not only take place in Zurich, but also in the Swiss capital city. Our first events are already planned, check them out here.

But that’s not all: in both Swiss german cities, our Share & Grow will now happen on a regular monthly basis. Join us *every first Wednesday of the month in Bern* and *every last Wednesday of the month in Zurich* to meet other changemakers, exchange new ideas and discover new topics… we are looking forward to seeing you very soon!

Share, exchange & connect: as our changemakers network is filled with people who have all kinds of talents, we organize regular Share & Grow nights, which are events that create a space for people in our community to share and exchange some of their inspiration with others. It should be an open, flexible and interactive place where all members of the euforia community can sign up to share their knowledge and skills, get input on methods, topics and projects and try out new ideas in a "safe space". If you are interested in organising one yourself, don’t hesitate to contact Clara (Züri) or Camille (Bern) or put your event directly on our sign up form and we will get back to you!

Much love from the German-speaking team! 😌🤩

Welcome Camille!

Hi there,

My name is Camille! I was born in the French-speaking part of Switzerland some years ago, and I grew up spending my time in Geneva – when I was not in the mountains fresh air or on my way to a new travelling destination. Having always been curious to discover new places, people and languages, after high school I decided to cross the Röstigraben for my studies and ended up in Zurich for a couple of years.

It’s during my time there that I got to know euforia through an imp!act event in 2015. During this few days, I discovered an amazing community, bubbling with energy and full of inspirational people, very cool interactive methodologies and principles and mostly how cool it is when people are empowered and can unleash their potential. Since that time, I got stuck with euforia and over the following years, I got the chance as a volunteer to learn a ton of new cool things, to spend hours on organising calls and in that process, I discovered a passion for planning and organisation - and the fact that I really don’t mind spending hours re-organizing a Drive or putting bright colours on every document on the list! ☺

Apart from euforia, the things that put a smile on my face mostly include being outdoors, doing sports (particularly the ones with a stick or a board), learning new things, being surrounded by people that make me laugh, mountains, sunsets and waves, as well as food, a cold beer and getting lost in very long talks.

I am very happy and grateful to join the team now and looking forward to spread euforia’s magic in the German part of Switzerland, with many cool events that empower each and every one to unleash their full potential with the aim of co-creating a more sustainable, fair and open world!


Welcome Géraldine!

Hi there!

My name is Géraldine and I’m one of euforia’s new unicorns! I had the great opportunity of joining the euforia team in March. I consider myself being very lucky to have discovered that amazing organisation and team which promotes the goodwill values and unleashes ideas that I share and want to spread as well.

My background is pretty much atypical but it defines my path and the way I see life well: a continuous and evolving adventure. I hold a Bachelor degree in French Literature and History, and a Master Degree in Policy and Public Management, which basically means that I’m comfortable with identifying figures of speech and the general understanding of the Swiss institutions (but not only!). I was raised by a Guatemalan mother, who provided me with a great open mindedness towards different people and cultures, speaking as much with my hands as with words and a strong sense of family (don’t you dare messing with my brother…(ever!)).

I love running and hiking! I’m actually preparing for two races for the upcoming month, the most important one being the Geneva Marathon. I also love getting to know other people and getting inspired by their lives and experiences in different fields around a nice cup of coffee or something stronger ;). I’m also always up for partying, going to music and film festivals and learning new things.

I care about environmental issues and am currently working on changing my consumption and general habits towards a more sustainable way of life. I also feel truly concerned about educational issues and its free access. In the long-term, I’m planning to contribute to projects that aim to provide access to school to disadvantaged children in Guatemala, specifically those involved with organized crime. I completely resonate with Victor Hugo’s quote: « Every school that is opened, closes one more prison » .

On a lighter tone, I love Virginie Despentes’s books, my favorite color is green, I’m planning parachuting this summer and I never moved on from Jack’s death in Titanic.

PS: Presenting myself is something that I’m not comfortable with at all. So writing down that text represents a real achievement! then please if you want to know me better do not text me! ;)


Workend Les Diablerets 2019

At euforia we love to combine work and fun. This is why we organize what we call the workend. The duration of the workend varies between a week and a few days. It’s the time of the year where the team gets together in a physical space in nature to collaborate, to discuss, aaand of course celebrate being together!

The workend is also the time, where we invite close partners to get to know the team more, and to establish our partnerships even further. This winter for example, we were happy to have Luc and Lolly from the Constellation with us with whom we have created community imp!act, as well as Giordano from SINGA. Our next collaboration with them will be the facilitation of SINGA factory. With Robert from la Manivelle we organize our Share & Grow nights in Geneva. Annie from BeYouNetwork was also there. We support them with B Ø W I E, a gender projects incubator, which is launched with an adapted version of the imp!act event. Other than our partners, we also invite our volunt’heros to come to the workend -this time Anna and Mario joined us- because their input to our work is most precious to us.

As our whole team is distributed not only between Geneva and Zurich but also over Spain, Portugal, and France, for us the workend is essential to keep the team spirit alive, advance with our work, to reconnect with each other- or for our new team mates: finally meet the team in person - and to share our motivation on why we do what we do. In order to not have these few days overwhelming us all, the days are structured in a way that we all have free time, where we can either work individually, do sports, or go out in nature.

Thanks to all the people who joined us and made our last workend such a wonderful and enriching few days!

Welcome Alizé


I am Alizé. I come from Morges, a little city next to the lac Léman (Geneva lake) which is the most beautiful lake in the world for me. I love it so much that I couldn’t imagine living without it anymore. I studied human environmental science as a Bachelor's degree and Sustainability as a Master's degree so I became very concerned by the environmental issues we are facing and want to act to change them! That's why I think alternative education is the future to provide awareness to the young generation of these issues and give them the power to change them. Imp!act is one of the solutions to unleash the potential of the young generation and help them become Changemakers and take action for a more sustainable world.

Concerning myself, I love discovering new places, learn new stuff, make new things and meet new people. I’m definitely curious and a social human being who could live outside (especially when there is the sun out). Love everything that makes my body move, all kind of sports or activities. Recently I fell in love with acroyoga that i find absolutely challenging and aesthetic. Oh ,and obviously I love hiking and biking everywhere with my beautiful red bike.

I discovered euforia randomly through a common friend one day, got the chance to know it better, then became more and more interested in it after a couple of dates. Finally, I fell in love with it. I could say it’s a kind of love story.

My motto for a sustainable way of living is « less is better », so I would apply it to the end of this text and just say that I'm happy to be part of the euforia Team !!!


im!pact Genève ou quand s’opère la magie...


3,5 jours d’échanges, de réflexions, de fou-rires et de découvertes en tous genres, une trentaine de participant.e.s, 5 projets…L’impact Genève, qui s’est déroulé du 13 au 16 février dernier, a tenu toutes ses promesses et on était de la partie!

The place to be: La Manivelle

Commençons cette rétrospective par le lieu insolite dans lequel s’est tenu l’événement. C’est à La Manivelle, bibliothèque d’objets inédite à Genève, que les Changemakers en herbe se sont retrouvés, apportant un souffle d’inspiration et de bonne humeur supplémentaire à une ambiance déjà effervescente.

Des participant.e.s de folie

Une des ingrédients-phare permettant à la magie d’Imp!act d’opérer, est la rencontre entre des personnalités variées, qui n’auraient peut-être pas échangé dans d’autres circonstances. En effet, que peuvent bien avoir en commun un ancien banquier reconverti dans l’apprentissage des méthodes de communication non-violente et un jeune Maturant ayant tout juste commencé sa formation de cuisinier à Paris? A quelle occasion une Chinoise expatriée en Norvège et active dans la protection de l’environnement aurait travaillé à l’élaboration d’un projet avec une étudiante rédigeant un Mémoire sur les animaux de foire à Genève au XVIIIe siècle? Ces quelques exemples témoignent de la richesse des profils qui ont chacun apporté un bout de leur histoire et de leur expérience dans des domaines divers, créant ainsi un espace d’échanges stimulant et enrichissant dont chacun a pu bénéficier.

Des projets dans l’air du temps

Mais Im!pact c’est surtout et avant tout une mine de projets novateurs visant à répondre aux défis auxquels nous sommes confronté.e.s, que ce soit à l’échelle locale ou internationale. Les projets présentés lors de cette édition ont couvert des thèmes à la fois actuels et variés. De la mise en place d’un système d’autocollants pour boîtes aux lettres visant à recréer du lien social dans les quartiers, à la création d’une marque de vêtement solidaire en Afrique, en passant par l’élaboration d’un livret pour enfants promouvant une alimentation saine et éco-responsable ou encore la mise en place de panneaux d’affichages vierges invitant les passants à s’exprimer, sans oublier la mise sur pied d’un street food festival hebdomadaire visant à favoriser l’intégration des femmes migrantes, les projets de cet Imp!act se sont révélés être à l’image de cette édition: riches et originaux.

Des experts au taquet

Outre l’euphorie qui a accompagné l’élaboration des projets, leur présentation aux experts s’est révélée être tout aussi incroyable. Leur disponibilité, leur bienveillance ainsi que la pertinence de leurs remarques, ont non-seulement offert aux participant.e.s des pistes d’amélioration intéressantes, mais également un soutien précieux quant à la faisabilité et la pertinence des problèmes auxquels ils souhaitaient répondre via leurs projets.

Une équipe de choc

Last but nos least! Un imp!act n’existerait tout simplement pas sans des bénévoles motivé.e.s et incroyablement impliqué.e.s. L’équipe organisatrice s’est pliée en quatre pour offrir une expérience dynamique et stimulante, tout en créant un espace sûr et bienveillant d’échange et de partage. Adressons une spéciale dédicace à leur cuisiner Mathieu et à ses comparses qui nous ont tout simplement régalé.e.s tout au long de ces 3,5, jours.

C’est donc rassasié.e.s, le coeur empli d’amour et la tête pleine de souvenirs et foisonnante de nouvelles idées, que les participant.e.s sont retourné.e.s à leur vie. Vie qui n’a pas manquée d’être marquée, d’une manière ou d’une autre, par cette expérience hors du commun, c’est certain!

- Géraldine Fankhauser


Engagement Opportunities from our buddies #13

1 Engagement Opportunities Colored-moved-Balls-Logo_1.png
  • Connect2living - Purpose Day Bern
    Der Purpose Day Bern bietet dir die Gelegenheit, einen ganzen Tag lang einer der wichtigsten Personen in deinem Leben Zeit zu schenken: DIR selbst! Ein Tag, um dich besser kennen zu lernen. Ein Tag, um deiner inneren Stimme zu lauschen, damit Herz und Verstand in Einklang kommen. Dazu machen wir uns auf die Suche nach unserem Purpose: Warum bin ich hier? Was will ich wirklich und warum? Wofür stehe ich? Was sind die treibenden Kräfte hinter dem was ich mache? Gemeinsam werden wir diesen Fragen auf eine praktische Art und Weise nachgehen. Der Purpose Day Bern bringt dich damit durch einen explorativen Prozess näher zu dir selber. Dank verschiedenen Übungen wirst du deinen Purpose klarer erkennen, und diesen in Form deines persönlichen "Why" und einer eigenen Vision festhalten. Dich erwartet ein interaktiver Workshop Tag, an dem du deine Komfortzone stretchen und deinen Horizont erweitern wirst. Hier für mehr Informationen.

  • Recipes for Wellbeing - Pro Bono Illustrator
    We are looking for a remote pro-bono illustrator to take our website to the next level. We are currently updating our website and need a creative illustrator who is passionate about bringing concepts to life through images. This person will engage with the core team and the website developer but can do so remotely and independently.
    Recipes for Wellbeing works towards shifting the culture of changemaking to include a focus on holistic wellbeing to enable anyone to contribute more effectively to creating positive change in the world. We host immersive wellbeing labs, facilitate engaging wellbeing workshops, deliver inspiring wellbeing talks... and have a selection of 90+ wellbeing recipes freely accessible on our website! You want to contribute? Check out our offer!

  • NCBI - train the trainers Kurs
    Diese dreitägige Intensivausbildung vermittelt den Teilnehmenden, wie man NCBI-Programme zum Abbau von Vorurteilen sowie zur Gewaltprävention mitleiten kann und welche Fertigkeiten benutzt werden können, um Einstellungen konstruktiv und kreativ zu verändern. Hier für mehr Information.

    You also want to share an Opportunity?

Welcome Oli

Hi everyone !

My name is Oli. I was born in Bülach, a city near Zurich, and grew up in Hitzkirch, a small village near Lucerne. My love for the mountains was nourished when my parents put me on skis as a three year old kid. Now, I love spending my time in the Grisons mountains skiing and being outdoor in the nature. I studied communications, movie science and philosophy and spent most of my professional career in the education industry.

Born in 1973 and therefore more aged than most euforians, I am used to traditional business, sales and marketing in hierarchical companies. Being self-employed since 2011, it was in 2017 when I was privileged to be part of a fundamental change in an organisation. My customer chose me as scout and way paver. When I experienced the growing of my collaborators and the joy and growth my own role was giving me, I knew this is where I want to put my energy into.

“Building Bridges" is my passion at euforia since I was honored to be part of the team in March 2019. My contribution: listening, asking questions, being curious, revealing and rearranging patterns. I try to design my workshops as safe spaces for exploring meaning and reinventing collaboration for humans in organizations.

For me, "trust" is the new currency for companies, be it in terms of collaboration or communication, internally or externally. As human beings we are striving for inclusion, contribution, impact and wholeness. I want to be a changemaker in the way we shape our businesses, how we measure success and what new values ​​we want to bring to life.

Beside my euforia engagement I advise companies with my own communication company in the use of digital content. I am a member of matibi where we support a local zimbabwean community to run a hospital, to develop permaculture gardens and to create places for self-organised learning. I share my experiences in lectures, in blog posts, in seminars, in-house workshops and on social media. I am cheered by intense dialogue and joint research about #NewWaysOfWorking.

So happy to be part of euforia, to learn and grow together and to really make a purposeful impact to this world.

Conact me:

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