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Radical Collaboration - 5 Skills for better collaboration - online event - english

  • Online via Zoom (map)

You can’t compete externally if you can’t first collaborate internally.

— Jim Tamm, Senior Judge and co-founder Radical Collaboration®

Radical Collaboration® (RC) is an experiential learning method for developing individual skills that discourage defensive behavior and build successful relationships. RC assumes that collaboration begins with the inner work of individuals. Looking at ourselves enables us to take responsibility for successful collaboration.

What will you get out of this workshop

During the 90 minutes, you will learn five individual skills that positively influence collaboration. In a playful way, we will dive in and reflect on these skills’ concrete impact on our relationships. This workshop also serves as an introduction to the three-day Radical Collaboration training from November 24 to 26.

These five RC skills are essential

  • Collaborative intention

  • Openness

  • Self-awareness

  • Self-accountability

  • Interest-based negotiation

Details of the event

November 2nd 2021, 5.30 pm to 7 pm, Zoom:

Inputs will be in English - participants are welcome to speak German.

Es gibt auch einen deutschen Radical Collaboration Event am 14.10.2021 von 8.30 bis 10 Uhr

For questions contact Severin:

Learning method

As always with euforia: gather your own experiences, reflect in the group, integrate into your everyday life. 70% experience yourself, 30% input and theory from our side.

Who should attend

All people who want to improve their relationships of cooperation: at work, in the club, association, school. Ideal for whole teams who want to take their collaboration to a new level of understanding. Ideal for people who want to learn a new language to name delicate situations in the cooperation freshly. For those interested in the three-day Radical Collaboration training who want to know more about how this method feels.

What Radical Collaboration brings

Conflicts decrease, employees recognize their own and others' protective mechanisms, take responsibility for their actions, open up, and search together for innovative and participatory solutions. The effect of RC and the development of these five skills has been scientifically researched and well documented.

Advanced workshop

Three-day Radical Collaboration Workshop for individuals and teams, November 24-26 in Zurich.
More information…


Severin von Hünerbein

Oliver Müller