Walking the talk on wellbeing

The wellbeing of our team and all its members is euforia’s highest annual goal. Therefore, wellbeing is also part of the (r)evolutionLab in the form of personal development sessions. Our volunteers Anna and Gordon reflected about wellbeing and share their insights.

Wellbeing has become one of the main goals of the euforia movement. As part of this we have created a more holistic approach to the (r)evolutionLab (former euforia Training Programme eTP) where hard skills and practical experience are now accompanied by personal development sessions.  In the beginning of July we dug into the fertile soil of personal development as part of the preparation for autumn imp!acts. At imp!act we encourage people to step out of their comfort zone, find out more about their purpose and start acting upon it. So as a facilitator it`s key to walk the talk both on a personal as well as on a team level.

imp!act can be like dancing on a rainbow. From up there one can have a glimpse of new landscape, discover new prospects and find great dancing partners. Once the raindrop of inspiration strikes the ground it is time to see how those panoramic views can become part of your journey and how the drop becomes part of what makes you grow.

I believe that wellbeing is the goal of this journey and I see personal development as the way to get there. Wellbeing must start at the individual level, and from a good foundation you can then help those around you to develop their own well-being. With a good self and a good community 'tribe' you can then be of service to bigger issues. Where you can develop well-being as a strong component in your ideas and projects.

One of my most enriching experiences as a trainee and coach of the euforia Training Programme (eTP) for me is to experience and explore wellbeing for myself and in our community.  Our team created a space in which we supported each other to shine in our own ways, be ourselves and this gave me the opportunity to grow greatly. I hope we find ways to bring this experience to more people and help to spread this in society.

So for me personal development is the methodology. It is the thing you do to increase your wellbeing. And what is wellbeing? Well, that depends on you and on the person. But it often has something to do with nature, having the time to do things properly, creativity, fulfilling a purpose, friends and family. You can use personal developments tools to help you develop your own well-being and to help your friends and team mates to develop theirs. And then spread the love and build a world dedicated to the well-being of each and every one of us. People, animals, plants. The water and the air. Even the rocks.