Two euforians exploring new oceans


Next year, euforia will turn 10 years old. Can you believe it? Born in May 2007 and raised by a handful of co-founders, the organization has since then grown to 27 employees and over 300 volunteers on three continents.

Currently, euforia is in the middle of a transition phase towards a community driven organization based on holacratic principles. This means that we are moving away from the heroic leader paradigm and start giving more power and responsibility to the team.

Within this transition phase, two long-term euforians decided to change roles and hand over more responsibility to other euforia members. We are really happy that Chantal and Jerónimo are going to embark on new professional adventures, while still staying involved in the organization part time in the future to support our ongoing scaling.

Chief Inspiration Officer and euforian from the very first day, Jerónimo feels that euforia has turned into a stable, healthy organization with no need for charismatic leadership. In a careful selection process, he has helped to build a strong team over the past years and at the same time started focusing on new personal goals. Now he believes the time is ripe to leave operations and take on an advisory role in which he will continue to support euforia’s growth. At the same time, freeing up the majority of his time will give him space for new projects further developing his vision on moving business towards sustainability, bringing more wellbeing to the social change sector and co-creating a global movement of neotribes – with euforia as a living example.

Also, our Chief Euphoric Officer Chantal is reducing her workload and leaving to new oceans. After building up euforia’s corporate circle over the past years, she feels it’s time to hand over part of her responsibilities and make space for new learning. Chantal is going to shake up the finance world, joining the innovation lab team at Raiffeisen in the role of a New Business Innovator – rocking now from the inside, still with the same mission of creating real change. At the same time she will stay on the team as a coach.

We want to thank those two beautiful people for their euphoria, passion, love, craziness and rock’n’roll. We are very happy to still have you on board of this crazy ship as coaches and benefit from your expertise and experience.