Silene Theobald


(r)evolution lab & imp!act guardian


Just discussing with Silene will give you the motivation to change the world and have the courage to endeavor the projects that make you closer to your dreams. Want to witness this super power? Just listen to one of her “Power has no gender” podcast she leads at euforia. Her experience in advocacy for human rights and disarmament in organisations (such as Amnesty international), in travelling the world, in gender topics and the millions of books she has read, makes her the perfect partner in crime for a project! After being a volunt’hero at euforia for several years in France, Silene made us the honor to come and boost the youth programmes in Switzerland. She is a talented facilitator and coordinator, which makes her the perfect person to bring imp!act, (r)evolution lab and other youth programmes to the next level. Her strength to empower others is magic and her special ingredients are a deep wish for an equal and sustainable world.