Alessia Cervone


Co-founder & euforiapreneur

Originally from a sumptuous little Italian town by the sea, Alessia enjoys traveling, exploring new landscapes and discovering new cultures. While studying international relations at the University of Geneva, Alessia envisioned to have a positive impact on society by creating a new movement. This is how she embarked on an adventure that changed the course of her life, this beautiful project is called euforia which she co-founded in 2008. Beside Alessia knowing everything there is to know about euforia, we are super lucky to have her astonishing skills in facilitation and program design in the team. This competence is key in her work in organisational change with organisations such as UNITAR, the State of Geneva, Hospice Général, and many more. We admire her for her perpetual quest of new challenges that make her grow and that allows organisations and individuals to work and flourish together..


Facilitation, Self management, Collaboration, Wellbeing,

Teal organisations, Change Management.
