Inspiration? Networking? Fun? Imp!act!!!

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I very recently attended the imp!act in Bern. I participated because I am starting an internship at euforia and this workshop was a great opportunity to observe and understand how the imp!act and euforia work. 
I must admit, that at first I felt a little bit lost. I felt as though my motivation -understanding euforia- was different from those who participated in the imp!act because they had an idea in mind which they wanted to turn into a specific project. However, this feeling went away very quickly. I realized that even without an idea for a project in mind, the imp!act is not only fun but also inspiring. 
When I look at the problems of the world, I often feel helpless. The problems seem so huge, and I so small. What could I possibly do? This feeling of hopelessness went away during the imp!act. I realized that change at first starts on a small scale. You do not have to have the one perfect solution. You simply have to start somewhere. Only through giving an idea a try, you will see if the idea works. From there, you can adapt your idea again and again until you make the impact that you want to make. 
The imp!act is about brainstorming, being creative together and receiving the tools to implement ideas, and of course about having fun! The facilitators did a great job sharing their knowledge with us and keeping us motivated with energizers, incredible food and
drinks ;) 
Also, we were provided with an impressing network of amazing changemakers who shared their experiences with us and advised us on our ideas. 
I was deeply impressed by the atmosphere that was created, a space of co-working, inspiration and also networking. The imp!act is really for everyone, for those who have concrete ideas, as well as for those who seek motivation. 

You want to share this experience? Participate in the next imp!act taking place in Zürich (in German) from June 20-23 or in Saint Julien en Genevois (in French) from June 27-30.